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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools


New beginnings

We are delighted to welcome our children and staff back to the nursery this year in our brand-new building. We have loved reopening our Caterpillar room and welcoming our 2-year-old children back to the setting. 

All the children have settled in amazingly and have loved going into the big school to eat at lunch times. 

We are really excited to open our forest area back up after the October half-term, so keep a look-out for some photos. We cannot wait to start growing our own vegetables again.

The children loved meeting our nursery pets' popcorn and fudge (guinea pigs) and Lenny the African snail. Children have already learnt so much about caring for our animals and are so confident to hold and feed them.

We have welcomed some new members to the Dosthill OPOJ team: Mrs Burke, Mrs Sabell and Mrs Roden, who have joined us both in the care club and nursery.

We are going to be exploring Autumn over the next few weeks, and we have already noticed some changes in our garden. Whilst playing, the children loved using the fallen leaves to make pictures, and to mix in our mud kitchen. The children have taken an interest in making homes for the animals out of leaves too, which has led us to look at night time animals. The children have made some leaf bowls to feed the night time animals and some of our children have collected leaves and conkers at home with their families to share at nursery.